Srebrenica genocide commemoration ceremony 2024

Srebrenica genocide commemoration ceremony was held on 11 July 2024 in The Hague

The main Srebrenica genocide commemoration ceremony for the Netherlands was held on 11 July in The Hague.

The ceremony was organized by the Srebrenica genocide survivors Association and the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina and was attended, among others, by representatives of the Government of the Netherlands, The Deputy Mayor of The Hague, ambassadors/representatives of more than 60 countries accredited in the Netherlands, as well as numerous Bosnia and Herzegovina citizens and Dutch friends of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Dutch State Secretary for Defence Mr. Gijs Pepijn, Deputy Mayor of The Hague Mrs. Saskia Bruines, Member of the European Parliament Mrs. Tineke Strik, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Netherlands Almir Šahović and Minister for human rights and refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Sevlid Hurtić addressed to the participants on that occasion.

In his address, Ambassador Šahović underlined once again the importance of a continued remembering of Srebrenica genocide and warned of the danger by revival of radical and extremist forces which deny Srebrenica genocide and glorify the war criminals and their crimes.

Centralna komemoracija genocida u Srebrenici za Holandiju održana 11 jula 2024. godine u Hagu

Centralna komemoracija genocida u Srebrenici za Holandiju je održana 11 jula 2024. godine u Hagu, u organizaciji Udruženja preživjelih genocida u Srebrenici i Ambasade Bosne i Hercegovine u Holandiji.

Ceremoniji su, izmedju ostalih, prisustvovali predstavnici Vlade Holandije, zamjenica gradonačelnika Haga, ambasadori/predstavnici više od 60 zemalja akreditovanih u Holandiji, kao i brojni bh i holandski gradjani i prijatelji Bosne i Hercegovine.

Na ceremoniji su se obratili prigodnim govorima Državni sekretar za odbranu Holandije g. Gijs Pepijn, zamjenica gradonačelnika Haga gdja. Saskia Bruins, članica Evropskog parlamenta gdja. Tineke Strik, ambasador Bosne i Hercegovine u Holandiji Almir Šahović i ministar za ljudska prava I izbjeglice BiH Sevlid Hurtić.

U svom obraćanju, ambasador Šahović još jednom podvukao značaj obilježavanja genocida u Srebrenici te upozorio na opasnost koja dolazi od strane ekstremih i radikalnih snaga koje negiraju genocide u Srebrenici i veličaju ratne zločince i njihove zločine.

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